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ActiveEveryday - Tips and Advice from Erik

20 Jan 2025

As you may know, we're kicking off our 2025 theme content with our January theme 'Be active everyday' - encouraging sport and physical activity into everyone's daily routines.


This could be encouraging your others to make small changes like walking with friends to training/sessions, making healthier choices, setting goals and encouraging activities that can help improve people's physical and mental health.


We spoke to current Pathway Squad athlete Erik Rowbotham who gave us some great tips and advice on how to get active and into archery, check out below:


1.            Why archery?

‘‘Because it's only me. A true test of what you can do. I get to find, test, and push my limits every session and competition. It's a physical and mental challenge and requires patience, persistence, and seeking out (and listening to) advice of others.’’


2.            What health benefits do you experience from being active and participating in archery?

‘‘It's my reason to keep active in general. My other activities are all geared towards adding to my archery activity. Lots of steps at competitions and trainings without noticing and fresh air, although sometimes it is wet air! when we're outdoors.’’


3.            Are there are any other ways you like to stay active?

‘‘For me, spinning (high intensity indoor cycling), yoga, archery-focused gym sessions, checking my step count, and trying to do one thing every day with a few rest days planned keeps the momentum of staying active alongside my archery training.’’


4.            Do you have any particular goals to become more active?

‘‘At least one weights session and one cardio session per week, as well as keeping an eye on my step count using my smart watch.’’


5.            Any advice for getting active and involved in Archery?

‘‘Even if it's once a week for a whole year or more, that's how I started, even before buying your own stuff, it was that routine and familiar faces at the clubs that helped me decide to do it more.’’


Thanks for sharing Erik – feeling inspired?

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