As a Tournament Organiser (TO) you are ultimately responsible for the success of the event. You have the key role in ensuring its success and provide the focus for all questions, challenges and decisions.

Becoming a TOurnament organiser
Why become a TO?
There are many reasons to volunteer in archery but on the whole, people do it as they want to give back to the sport. Archery in the UK couldn’t happen without our incredible teams of volunteers but, what’s in it for you?
Sense of achievement
Improved confidence
Meet new people and make friends
A chance to use your archery skills and knowledge
Giving something back to a sport you love
A chance to gain a recognised qualification
A valuable addition to your CV/education applications
Potential career development and improved employability
Learn new skills
Gain experience in public speaking
Sense of fulfilment
Who can be a TO?
At present you have to be a full member of AGB to become a Tournament Organiser. You do not necessarily have to have archery experience but it would be an advantage.
How to become a TO?
There is no formal training to become a TO. However it is suggested that you observe an event being orgainised by a TO, then plan one yourself under the supervision of a TO.
Please contact events@scottisharchery.org.uk to raise your interest in becoming a TO
Key Documents for TO
levels of competitions
Levels of competitions & events. Starting to compete is an exciting if daunting prospect - Here’s your guide to archery competitions, competitions and events across Scotland and the UK

World Record Status (WRS)

UK Record Status (UKRS)

Scottish Record Status (SRS)