29 Oct 2024
The AGM will take place on Saturday 23rd of November. We are delighted to have applications and nominations from new volunteers who wish to join our Board of Directors. There is a diverse range of skills and experiences across the volunteers who have applied, and this will be hugely positive as we continue to drive forward key developments and begin the journey of our next 4-year strategy. We have volunteers up for nomination across Director of Systems, Director of Safeguarding, Director of Athlete Progression, Director of Connections, and the new position of Director of Compliance, as well as our Chairperson.
As an update on the additional two Board roles, Director of Equality and Director of Finance, we were just short of the 6-week deadline for putting applications forward for the AGM, but we do now have applicants for both roles. Once the recruitment process is complete, we plan to co-opt these Director posts, and arrange an EGM in the near future to ratify positions formally. Our current Director of Development, Gary Grieve, will have a slight change to his role and will now be Director of People.
We would encourage members to attend the AGM on the day and cast votes ahead of the AGM. We look forward to seeing members on the 23rd of November.