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Entries closing soon for SSS Archery Indoor Championships

26 Feb 2024

University of St Andrews will once again host the prestigious Scottish Student Sport (SSS) Archery Indoor Championships! It will be a FITA18 round and each club is guaranteed 10 entries. Additional spaces will be based on a random draw.

Entries close soon on Wednesday 28th February!

Venue: Sports Centre, St Leonards Road, St Andrews, KY16 9DY

Date: Saturday 2nd March 2024

Time: Morning Session: 9.30am arrivals, 10am sighters. Afternoon Session: 1pm arrivals, 1.30pm sighters

Eligibility: All archers must be a fully matriculated student at a SSS-affiliated Institution of Higher Education (University or College) in Scotland, as per the SSS Event Terms and Conditions


Round: FITA18

Morning Session – AAC, AUAC, DUAC, SAUAC

Club arrivals from 9.30am, assembly at 9.50am and sighters from 10am.

Afternoon Session – EUAC, USAC, HWUAC, NUAC, UWSAC

Club arrivals from 1pm, assembly at 1.20pm and sighters from 1.30pm.

Entries: Entries are now live! To enter, club captains must email by 4pm on Wednesday 28th February with the details of each individual from their club.

Each archer to choose one category to compete in, but each archer will automatically be included in the Open category.

Clubs are Guaranteed places for up to 10 archers, although may enter up to 13 as ‘Non-Guaranteed’ (who will be accepted base on entry numbers). Please note, your Sports Unions will need to know who your Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed shooters are as they have permissions on the system to make those selections.

For more information, click here

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