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Scottish Tour Dates Change

9 Jan 2025

Our Events and Competitions Co-ordinator, Fiona Hirst, has been working hard over the past few months to review and expand our competitions programme, adding value and implementing new processes to strengthen the way competitions are delivered. With the new Field Captains training programme in place, there is a real drive to support volunteers and ensure competitions and events can be sustainably delivered.

Part of the continual review of events is trying to ensure there are no clashes with AGB events, and Scottish club and area events. Next year we will be working closely with AGB, as part of a new working group to plan the events and competitions calendar cohesively, ensuring plans are in place well in advance to reduce the likelihood of clashes. We want to expand the opportunities for participating in events.

This year we have had to make some adjustments to the dates planned for our Scottish Tour due to clashes with the National Tour. The new dates will be updated on the Events Calendar shortly, and can be found below:

Stage 1: 24th /25th May

Stage 2: 7th/8thJune (a change from the 28th June)

Stage 3: 26th/27th July (a change from the 18th/19th July)

Stage 4: 23rd/24th August

Venues will be announced shortly.

Over the next few years we will be working towards maintaining consistent spots in the calendar for the Scottish Tour to allow for maximum participation and forward planning. This needs to be done in conjunction with AGB, and will be a priority target as part of the new Events and Competitions working group.

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