7 Nov 2023
We have evolved the Pathway programme further this year. As in previous years we will still have 2 strands to the programme:
Representative Strand – For archers that want to be the best they can be and take part in events like Home Nations and CACE.
GB Strand – For archers that want to progress to being part of Team GB.
This year we are looking for archers and coaches to engage face to face at Area level and support coaching days run by the 3 areas. Ahead of events like CACE for example there are opportunities for the team to come together for practice sessions at a central venue.
To support the face to face sessions we are also offering an online Athlete/Coach Support Programme that is open to all archers and coaches that are keen to progress. The online sessions will have a cost of £15 per workshop. The first 2 sessions are available already:
22/11/23 - Goal Setting and Planning with Ashe Morgan (Online Archery Academy)
7/12/23 – Injury Prevention with Stewart Kerr (Life Fit Wellness)
Tickets for both sessions can be purchased through JustGo using the links above.
Other sessions will be advertised very soon.
The first 2 stages on the pathway underpin what comes after and it is important that athletes continue to engage with these stages even as they progress further through the stages.
The final part of the pathway programme this year is our pathway squad that is focused around support with progressing to GB teams (stage 4 on the pathway), the full criteria can be viewed here on our website.
If you have any queries please get in touch with alan.martin@scottisharchery.org.uk