28 Aug 2024
By Michal Kozera
Aberdeen University Archery Club (AUAC) this weekend played host to the fourth stage of the Scottish Tour supported by the Northern Area. The event took place at the King's Pavilion which is situated on the University of Aberdeen Campus, attractive playing fields which has two rugby pitches, Aberdeen's only dedicated lacrosse pitch and a recently replaced synthetic cricket wicket.
The Scottish tour is the perfect event for archers aiming to further their competition skills and shoot alongside the best athletes in the country. Additionally, the Tour stages provide less experienced archers the ability to enter and experience the competition format that is present in major events like the Archery GB’s National Tour. Saturday was a WRS WA 70m/50m ranking round followed by Head-to-Head Matchplay. This is followed by Sunday with UKRS WA 900 (60m/50m/40m all on 122cm), Non-RS Short 900 – I (50m/40m/30m all on 122cm) and Non-RS Short 900 – II (40m/30m/20m all on 122cm).
Stage 3 was a very competitive weekend and it was hoped that Stage 4 would be equally as exhilarating. It is safe to say that Stage 4 did not disappoint.
The Stage 4 results are as follows:
Male Recurve - 1st Shay Boyd, 2nd Joshua Phillips, 3rd Ross Macleod
Female Recurve - 1st Gillian Imrie, 2nd Victoria Otterson, 3rd Linda Dallas
Male Compound - 1st Kyle Scott, 2nd James Chaffe, 3rd James Ross
Female Compound - 1st Amy Wakefield, 2nd Robyn Geddes, 3rd Caitlin Orr
Male Barebow - 1st Steven Brison, 2nd Joshua MacMillan, 3rd Ben Ledwick
Female Barebow - 1st Freya Rennie, 2nd Nikki Ledwick, 3rd Katherine Lamont
The organisers wanted to also recognise the participants who competed in the Longbow division. Therefore, AUAC medals were awarded to:
Male Longbow - 1st Steven Coull, 2nd Alex Adeyemi
Female Longbow - 1st Ella Ilomaki
The Tour stages could not happen without the volunteers, Judges and the Tournament Organisers giving up their free time to put these events on. A lot of hard work went into organising the Tour, and making sure all things have been prepared for.
“I hope that everyone that attended our Tour stage had enjoyed it. It was fun co-organising the event alongside Rebecca Leigh, for the 2nd year in a row. It was great to see more participants this year compared to last year's event. Being part of the organising of the event and then seeing the event run successfully is quite rewarding for sure. I would like to thank again all the volunteers that helped to make this event run smoothly. And finally, good luck to all the archers that have made it to the Scottish Tour Finals this year.” - Michal Kozera, Chair of SAA Northern Area, Co-organiser of Scottish Tour Stage 4 alongside Rebecca Leigh.

We would like to wish everyone the best of luck heading into the Scottish Tour Finals and we also hope it is an enjoyable day for all the organisers, judges and volunteers who have been working hard behind the scenes in the lead up to the finals.
On behalf of Scottish Archery we would like to say a big thank you to the volunteers at AUAC including Rebecca Leigh and Michal Kozera, Malcolm Alexander, the Judges and the wider volunteer team that made the weekend a great success. Best of luck to everyone heading into the Tour Finals on 14th September in Montrose.
To view all the results from the weekend, click here.