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Junior team

Scottish Archery takes Safeguarding very seriously.   Proving safe environments for children and young people to participate in Archery is just as much about creating a positive atmospheres, encouraging children into clubs as it is about protection children from harm by providing safe environments.   Scottish Archery works closely with the Safeguarding in Sport Unit from Children 1st to make sure we are adhering to best practice in sport.    Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. 


If Clubs or members have any concerns or queries please contact the Scottish Archery Child Protection Officer -  Jacqui Dunlop

01875 811 344

Clubs and individuals can also contact the Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport Unit of Children 1st directly at 0141 419 1156 for advice, guidance and help.

If you have an immediate concern about the safety of a child, contact the police on either 101 or 999.


Scottish Archery Child Protection Policy

Archery GB Safeguarding Children and Young People

PVG Disclosure Handling

PVG Recruitment of Ex Offenders

Making a Referral

Adult Safeguarding Policy

Adult Safeguarding Policy FAQ's

In Safe Care Guidelines

Responding to Concerns

Responding to Disclosure Made By a Child

Responding to Concerns About a Members Conduct Towards Children

Recruitment and Selection of Members/Volunteers For Regulated Work

Sportscotland/Children 1st Guidance for Children and Young People Transitioning Back Into Sport Following Lockdown

Sextortion Guidance


What does Child Protection mean for Juniors - Read our simple guide

What does Child Protection mean for Parents/Guardians - Read our simple guide


PVG Guidance and Documents for Clubs/Areas


Safe Recruitment Process Guidance Document (Word Version)

Safe Recruitment Process Guidance Document (PDF Version)

JustGo PVG Credential Guide (Word Version)

JustGo PVG Credential Guide (PDF Version)

Suitability Decision Making Procedures Document

Children's 1st - Parent's guide to finding a safe sports club

ArcheryGB - Finding the Right Coach



Supporting Forms


Significant Incident Reporting Form

Request to use Camera and Video Equipment

Safe in Care - Partnership With Parents Form

Application Form (For those applying to a Scottish Archery position where the role is deemed to be regulated work)

Self Declaration Form (For those applying to a Scottish Archery position where the role is deemed to be regulated work)

New PVG Scheme Guidance Notes

Existing PVG Scheme Guidance Notes





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