9 May 2024
We need your help, thoughts and feedback to help shape our next 4 year strategy. You can share your views by filling in our survey here.
We would be very grateful if you could share your thoughts with us on archery in Scotland by completing this. The survey information will be used to help develop a long term vision and key areas of focus for the next 4 years. The survey will be open until Monday the 20th of May.
There will be other opportunities for you to share your thoughts over the next few months, so keep an eye out for more info.
We have developed a Strategy Development Member Engagement Plan which has 3 parts:
Members Survey – mid May
An opportunity to find out more about Wider thoughts from our members.
2. Focus Groups - May/June
A more focused discussion on the draft Strategy, helping to review the overall direction and objectives of the new strategy.
3.     Face to Face Sessions - August/September
Roadshow style sessions to review the draft strategy and chat with our members about how the plan may look when put into practice. (there will also be an online version of this session)
If you have any further questions or queries about any of the above please contact lyndsay.noon@scottisharchery.org.uk